Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Kinds of kinds of computer virus

Kinds of kinds of computer virus

Computer Virus

 A computer virus is a computer program that can duplicate or copy itself and spreads by inserting copies of itself into other programs or documents. Computer viruses can be analogous to a biological virus, which spreads by inserting itself into living cells. Computer viruses can damage (eg by corrupting the data on the document), make computer users feel disturbed, or no effect at all.
How It Works

 Computer viruses generally can damage the computer and the software can not directly damage the computer hardware but can cause damage in a way that forces the program contains over process to a particular device. The negative effects of computer viruses is to multiply itself, which makes the computer resources (such as memory usage) to be reduced significantly. Nearly 95% of computer viruses based on the Windows operating system. The remaining attacking GNU / Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, OS / 2 IBM, and Sun Operating System. Malignant virus that will damage the hardware.

Here are examples of Various Kinds of Computer Viruses are often encountered1. Virus: Trojan.LodearTrojan Horse attack when we download data from the internet. This virus will inject a file. etc. to internetexplorer.exe that cause system instability.2. Virus: W32.Beagle.CO @ mmAdalah viruses that send mass emails to sites that have a low level of security. This virus can delete registry keys and parts thereof and may block access to the network security website.3. Virus: Backdoor.ZagabanThis one trojan virus injected particular computer to be used as a shelter to damage the network or network related.4. Virus: W32/Netsky-PThe virus is able to spread itself a mass email to the email address that is produced by a file on your PC / local drive.5. Virus: W32/Mytob-GHVirus spreader bulk email and IRC is a Trojan for the Windows-based computers. The messages sent by these viruses with titles that were randomly selected from an existing list such as: warning barring an account, email account suspension, safety measures, member support, an important caveat.6. Virus: W32/Mytob-EXViruses that spread mass email and IRC-like Trojan W32-Mytob-gh. W32/Mytob-EX continuously in the background, providing a back door for the server to reach the computer via IRC channels. This virus spreads itself primarily to address email attachments.7. Virus: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C, and Mytob-ERThis virus family have the same karasteristik for what they do. They spread the bulk email that can be controlled through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network. In addition, they can deploy email through various computer operating systems are weak, such as LSASS (MS04-011).8. Virus: Zafi-DIs a bulk email sender viruses and peer-to-peer that makes copies of itself to the Windows system folder with the filename nortonupdate. exe. This virus can create a number of files in the Windows system folder with filenames consisting of 8 random characters and a DLL extension. w32/zafi-d copying itself to folders with names containing share, upload, or music as icq 2005anew! . exe or winamp 5.7 new! . exe. W32/zafi-d will also display an error notifier box with the title fool 'crc: 04f6Bh "and the text" Error in packed file! ".9. Virus: W32/Netsky-DThe virus is also sent via the IRC backdoor attack which serves also infect weak computer.10. Virus: W32/Zafi-BThis virus attacks the peer-to-peer (P2P) and email the virus will be copied automatically to the Windows system folder which will be named otomastis random.11. Virus Bagle.BCThis BC Bagle virus is one type of harmful viruses and has entered the top ranking of the fastest type of virus affecting your computer. A few hours after the release of the virus, already there are 2 variants of Bagle (Bagle BD and BE) that spread through e-mail, computer networks and P2P applications. The virus is spread through e-mail with a variety of different subjects. According to a study from Panda Software BC Bagle virus is seeping into an e-mail with the subject, among others: Re:, Re: Hello, Re: Hi, Re: Thank you, Re: Thanks. Attachment was also an assortment, among others:. Com,. Cpl,. Exe,. Scr. BC Bagle virus is also able to stop the antivirus programs12. Backdoor Alnica
Viruses are also dangerous this is one type of Trojan Horse virus. Is one that if successful backdoor virus infects a computer will be able to remotely access and retrieve all the information desired by the attacker. The operating system is attacked by a virus, such as: Windows 200, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, and Windows XP. This virus size of 57,856 bytes.How to copeVirus attacks can be prevented or mitigated by using antivirus software. This type of software can also detect and remove computer viruses. Computer viruses can be removed with the database (database / Signature-based detection), heuristics, or ratings of the program itself (Quantum).


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