Monday, 25 March 2013
K Will Please Don't
The song is very melancholy and tragic. I love the meaning because it just doesn't relate to the LGBT community, it can relate to anyone, but K.Will decided upon the LGBT community bit - which, in my opinion, added more sadness to the song. If there was an award for best lyrics, I say K.Will deserves it. I will show you my favourite part - honestly this is like half of the song: "Letting you go is not as easy as it sounds I turn away, not being able to see you leave me. Tears eventually drop and I need to wipe them away now I don’t know whether I should use the handkerchief you gave me or throw it away Why won’t this trembling go away? I pretend to be crazy and hold onto you but My body won’t listen to me Intoxicated with the scent of you in the car I don’t want to wake up forever Please don’t (please) don’t leave please (please) Come back (come back) come back (come back) On top of the empty seat you left only your cold scent remains"
My Saturday's...
Aren't those beautiful? I definitely cried throughout the music video (the 2nd time I watched it, of course). Now that I've mentioned how wonderful the lyrics are, let's move onto the Music Video. I do feel like this Music Video doesn't make sense until the end and because of that you have to watch it again - which is smart, if you think about it. I really love that we got to see Dasom and Seo in Guk in this because those two are well known and it does give a message that idols too can be part of the LGBT community. I do consider Seo in Guk as an idol, at this point. Kind of ironic because in Reply 1997 he played a straight male and now he plays a homosexual male - at least he got to understand both parts well. I really do like the whole car scene(s) because you think he loves Dasom throughout the MV but at the end he really wants the man (I'm assuming they're friends). my fav scene happens to be when Seo in Guk is like fighting with Dasom and then her hubby comes in and Seo in Guk plays around, then he gives this happy expression to the man and gives Dason this evil glare; it happens between 0:40-0:53 (just watch it~). I found that to be the winning scene because if you did pay attention hard enough then the moments we saw of Seo in Guk being angry was because she (Dasom) was in the picture. A feeling that is sad to many. I love everything about this song and MV. A definite 5/5 for K.Will's latest!
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Cerita Rakyat Sangkuriang
Pada jaman dahulu, tersebutlah kisah
seorang puteri raja di Jawa Barat bernama Dayang Sumbi.Ia mempunyai seorang
anak laki-laki yang diberi nama Sangkuriang. Anak tersebut sangat gemar
Ia berburu dengan ditemani oleh Tumang,
anjing kesayangan istana. Sangkuriang tidak tahu, bahwa anjing itu adalah
titisan dewa dan juga bapaknya.
Pada suatu hari Tumang tidak mau
mengikuti perintahnya untuk mengejar hewan buruan. Maka anjing tersebut diusirnya
ke dalam hutan.
Ketika kembali ke istana, Sangkuriang
menceritakan kejadian itu pada ibunya. Bukan main marahnya Dayang Sumbi begitu
mendengar cerita itu. Tanpa sengaja ia memukul kepala Sangkuriang dengan sendok
nasi yang dipegangnya. Sangkuriang terluka. Ia sangat kecewa dan pergi
mengembaraSetelah kejadian itu, Dayang Sumbi sangat menyesali dirinya. Ia
selalu berdoa dan sangat tekun bertapa. Pada suatu ketika, para dewa memberinya
sebuah hadiah. Ia akan selamanya muda dan memiliki kecantikan abadi.
Setelah bertahun-tahun mengembara,
Sangkuriang akhirnya berniat untuk kembali ke tanah airnya. Sesampainya disana,
kerajaan itu sudah berubah total. Disana dijumpainya seorang gadis jelita, yang
tak lain adalah Dayang Sumbi. Terpesona oleh kecantikan wanita tersebut maka,
Sangkuriang melamarnya. Oleh karena pemuda itu sangat tampan, Dayang Sumbi pun
sangat terpesona padanya.
Pada suatu hari Sangkuriang minta pamit
untuk berburu. Ia minta tolong Dayang Sumbi untuk merapikan ikat kepalanya.
Alangkah terkejutnya Dayang Sumbi demi melihat bekas luka di kepala calon
suaminya. Luka itu persis seperti luka anaknya yang telah pergi merantau.
Setelah lama diperhatikannya, ternyata wajah pemuda itu sangat mirip dengan
wajah anaknya. Ia menjadi sangat ketakutan.
Maka kemudian ia mencari daya upaya
untuk menggagalkan proses peminangan itu. Ia mengajukan dua buah syarat.
Pertama, ia meminta pemuda itu untuk membendung sungai Citarum. Dan kedua, ia
minta Sangkuriang untuk membuat sebuah sampan besar untuk menyeberang sungai
itu. Kedua syarat itu harus sudah dipenuhi sebelum fajar menyingsing.
Malam itu Sangkuriang melakukan tapa.
Dengan kesaktiannya ia mengerahkan mahluk-mahluk gaib untuk membantu
menyelesaikan pekerjaan itu. Dayang Sumbi pun diam-diam mengintip pekerjaan
tersebut. Begitu pekerjaan itu hampir selesai, Dayang Sumbi memerintahkan
pasukannya untuk menggelar kain sutra merah di sebelah timur kota.
Ketika menyaksikan warna memerah di
timur kota, Sangkuriang mengira hari sudah menjelang pagi. Ia pun menghentikan
pekerjaannya. Ia sangat marah oleh karena itu berarti ia tidak dapat memenuhi
syarat yang diminta Dayang Sumbi.
Dengan kekuatannya, ia menjebol
bendungan yang dibuatnya. Terjadilah banjir besar melanda seluruh kota. Ia pun
kemudian menendang sampan besar yang dibuatnya. Sampan itu melayang dan jatuh
menjadi sebuah gunung yang bernama "Tangkuban Perahu."
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Loro Jonggrang
Cerita Rakyat Loro Jonggrang

Bandung Bondowoso seorang yang suka
memerintah dengan kejam. "Siapapun yang tidak menuruti perintahku, akan
dijatuhi hukuman berat!", ujar Bandung Bondowoso pada rakyatnya. Bandung
Bondowoso adalah seorang yang sakti dan mempunyai pasukan jin. Tidak berapa
lama berkuasa, Bandung Bondowoso suka mengamati gerak-gerik Loro Jonggrang,
putri Raja Prambanan yang cantik jelita. "Cantik nian putri itu. Aku ingin
dia menjadi permaisuriku," pikir Bandung Bondowoso.
Esok harinya, Bondowoso mendekati
Loro Jonggrang. "Kamu cantik sekali, maukah kau menjadi permaisuriku
?", Tanya Bandung Bondowoso kepada Loro Jonggrang. Loro Jonggrang
tersentak, mendengar pertanyaan Bondowoso. "Laki-laki ini lancang sekali,
belum kenal denganku langsung menginginkanku menjadi permaisurinya", ujar
Loro Jongrang dalam hati. "Apa yang harus aku lakukan ?". Loro Jonggrang
menjadi kebingungan. Pikirannya berputar-putar. Jika ia menolak, maka Bandung
Bondowoso akan marah besar dan membahayakan keluarganya serta rakyat Prambanan.
Untuk mengiyakannya pun tidak mungkin, karena Loro Jonggrang memang tidak suka
dengan Bandung Bondowoso.
"Bagaimana, Loro Jonggrang
?" desak Bondowoso. Akhirnya Loro Jonggrang mendapatkan ide. "Saya
bersedia menjadi istri Tuan, tetapi ada syaratnya," Katanya. "Apa
syaratnya? Ingin harta yang berlimpah? Atau Istana yang megah?". "Bukan
itu, tuanku, kata Loro Jonggrang. Saya minta dibuatkan candi, jumlahnya harus
seribu buah. "Seribu buah?" teriak Bondowoso. "Ya, dan candi itu
harus selesai dalam waktu semalam." Bandung Bondowoso menatap Loro
Jonggrang, bibirnya bergetar menahan amarah. Sejak saat itu Bandung Bondowoso
berpikir bagaimana caranya membuat 1000 candi. Akhirnya ia bertanya kepada
penasehatnya. "Saya percaya tuanku bias membuat candi tersebut dengan
bantuan Jin!", kata penasehat. "Ya, benar juga usulmu, siapkan
peralatan yang kubutuhkan!"
Setelah perlengkapan di siapkan.
Bandung Bondowoso berdiri di depan altar batu. Kedua lengannya dibentangkan
lebar-lebar. "Pasukan jin, Bantulah aku!" teriaknya dengan suara
menggelegar. Tak lama kemudian, langit menjadi gelap. Angin menderu-deru.
Sesaat kemudian, pasukan jin sudah mengerumuni Bandung Bondowoso. "Apa
yang harus kami lakukan Tuan ?", tanya pemimpin jin. "Bantu aku
membangun seribu candi," pinta Bandung Bondowoso. Para jin segera bergerak
ke sana kemari, melaksanakan tugas masing-masing. Dalam waktu singkat bangunan
candi sudah tersusun hampir mencapai seribu buah.
Sementara itu, diam-diam Loro
Jonggrang mengamati dari kejauhan. Ia cemas, mengetahui Bondowoso dibantu oleh
pasukan jin. "Wah, bagaimana ini?", ujar Loro Jonggrang dalam hati.
Ia mencari akal. Para dayang kerajaan disuruhnya berkumpul dan ditugaskan
mengumpulkan jerami. "Cepat bakar semua jerami itu!" perintah Loro
Jonggrang. Sebagian dayang lainnya disuruhnya menumbuk lesung. Dung...
dung...dung! Semburat warna merah memancar ke langit dengan diiringi suara
hiruk pikuk, sehingga mirip seperti fajar yang menyingsing.
Pasukan jin mengira fajar sudah
menyingsing. "Wah, matahari akan terbit!" seru jin. "Kita harus
segera pergi sebelum tubuh kita dihanguskan matahari," sambung jin yang
lain. Para jin tersebut berhamburan pergi meninggalkan tempat itu. Bandung
Bondowoso sempat heran melihat kepanikan pasukan jin.
Paginya, Bandung Bondowoso mengajak
Loro Jonggrang ke tempat candi. "Candi yang kau minta sudah
berdiri!". Loro Jonggrang segera menghitung jumlah candi itu. Ternyata
jumlahnya hanya 999 buah!. "Jumlahnya kurang satu!" seru Loro
Jonggrang. "Berarti tuan telah gagal memenuhi syarat yang saya
ajukan". Bandung Bondowoso terkejut mengetahui kekurangan itu. Ia menjadi
sangat murka. "Tidak mungkin...", kata Bondowoso sambil menatap tajam
pada Loro Jonggrang. "Kalau begitu kau saja yang melengkapinya!"
katanya sambil mengarahkan jarinya pada Loro Jonggrang. Ajaib! Loro Jonggrang
langsung berubah menjadi patung batu. Sampai saat ini candi-candi tersebut
masih ada dan terletak di wilayah Prambanan, Jawa Tengah dan disebut Candi Loro
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Kinds of kinds of computer virus
Kinds of kinds of computer virus
Computer Virus
A computer virus is a computer program that can duplicate or copy itself and spreads by inserting copies of itself into other programs or documents. Computer viruses can be analogous to a biological virus, which spreads by inserting itself into living cells. Computer viruses can damage (eg by corrupting the data on the document), make computer users feel disturbed, or no effect at all.
How It Works
Computer viruses generally can damage the computer and the software can not directly damage the computer hardware but can cause damage in a way that forces the program contains over process to a particular device. The negative effects of computer viruses is to multiply itself, which makes the computer resources (such as memory usage) to be reduced significantly. Nearly 95% of computer viruses based on the Windows operating system. The remaining attacking GNU / Linux, Mac, FreeBSD, OS / 2 IBM, and Sun Operating System. Malignant virus that will damage the hardware.
Here are examples of Various Kinds of Computer Viruses are often encountered1. Virus: Trojan.LodearTrojan Horse attack when we download data from the internet. This virus will inject a file. etc. to internetexplorer.exe that cause system instability.2. Virus: W32.Beagle.CO @ mmAdalah viruses that send mass emails to sites that have a low level of security. This virus can delete registry keys and parts thereof and may block access to the network security website.3. Virus: Backdoor.ZagabanThis one trojan virus injected particular computer to be used as a shelter to damage the network or network related.4. Virus: W32/Netsky-PThe virus is able to spread itself a mass email to the email address that is produced by a file on your PC / local drive.5. Virus: W32/Mytob-GHVirus spreader bulk email and IRC is a Trojan for the Windows-based computers. The messages sent by these viruses with titles that were randomly selected from an existing list such as: warning barring an account, email account suspension, safety measures, member support, an important caveat.6. Virus: W32/Mytob-EXViruses that spread mass email and IRC-like Trojan W32-Mytob-gh. W32/Mytob-EX continuously in the background, providing a back door for the server to reach the computer via IRC channels. This virus spreads itself primarily to address email attachments.7. Virus: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C, and Mytob-ERThis virus family have the same karasteristik for what they do. They spread the bulk email that can be controlled through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network. In addition, they can deploy email through various computer operating systems are weak, such as LSASS (MS04-011).8. Virus: Zafi-DIs a bulk email sender viruses and peer-to-peer that makes copies of itself to the Windows system folder with the filename nortonupdate. exe. This virus can create a number of files in the Windows system folder with filenames consisting of 8 random characters and a DLL extension. w32/zafi-d copying itself to folders with names containing share, upload, or music as icq 2005anew! . exe or winamp 5.7 new! . exe. W32/zafi-d will also display an error notifier box with the title fool 'crc: 04f6Bh "and the text" Error in packed file! ".9. Virus: W32/Netsky-DThe virus is also sent via the IRC backdoor attack which serves also infect weak computer.10. Virus: W32/Zafi-BThis virus attacks the peer-to-peer (P2P) and email the virus will be copied automatically to the Windows system folder which will be named otomastis random.11. Virus Bagle.BCThis BC Bagle virus is one type of harmful viruses and has entered the top ranking of the fastest type of virus affecting your computer. A few hours after the release of the virus, already there are 2 variants of Bagle (Bagle BD and BE) that spread through e-mail, computer networks and P2P applications. The virus is spread through e-mail with a variety of different subjects. According to a study from Panda Software BC Bagle virus is seeping into an e-mail with the subject, among others: Re:, Re: Hello, Re: Hi, Re: Thank you, Re: Thanks. Attachment was also an assortment, among others:. Com,. Cpl,. Exe,. Scr. BC Bagle virus is also able to stop the antivirus programs12. Backdoor Alnica
Viruses are also dangerous this is one type of Trojan Horse virus. Is one that if successful backdoor virus infects a computer will be able to remotely access and retrieve all the information desired by the attacker. The operating system is attacked by a virus, such as: Windows 200, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, and Windows XP. This virus size of 57,856 bytes.How to copeVirus attacks can be prevented or mitigated by using antivirus software. This type of software can also detect and remove computer viruses. Computer viruses can be removed with the database (database / Signature-based detection), heuristics, or ratings of the program itself (Quantum).
Monday, 18 March 2013
History of Computer Networking
History of Computer Networking
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The concept of computer network born in the 1940s in the United States from a computer development project MODEL I at Bell labs and Harvard University research group led by professor H. Aiken. In the beginning of the project is to utilize a computer device that must be used together. To do some of the process without wasting lots of empty time made the streak (Batch Processing), so multiple programs can run on a computer with the rules of the queue.
Later in 1950 when it began developing various kinds of computers to the presence of a super computer, a computer must serve some places available, to support the above, was discovered by a process distrubusi concept known as the Time Sharing System or abbreviated TSS. From then on it was the first time the form of computer network is applied. In the TSS system several terminals connected in series to a computer or other device connected to a computer network. In the process of TSS have been starting to look a fusion of computer technology and telecommunications technology that was originally developed on their own.History of a global computer network (the world), dimulaipada 1969, when the Department of DefenceAmerica, forming Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (DARPA), which aims to conduct research on "how to connect a computer to form an organic network.This research program was then known as ARPANET (Advanced Research projects Agency Network). in 1970, more than 10 computer has been successfully connected (to each other), communicating with each other, and form a network. on atahun 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the e-mail that he created a year ago to research the ARPANET.
In 1972, Roy Tomlinson managed to complete the program of electronic mail (email) he did a year ago for the ARPANET. Because the program is so easy to use the program immediately became popular. In this year also the icons at (@) is introduced as an important symbol that shows the "at" or "on". In 1973, the ARPANET was developed out of America. And Computer University College in London, was the first computer using the ARPANET network. In this year also two computer experts are scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented an idea that more, which is a precursor or early first International Network (Internet). The idea was presented for the first time at Sussex University. Another historic day on March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from Royal signals and Radar Establishment at Malvern. a year later more than 100 computers connected to the ARPANET network that form a network or network.
In 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis, and Steve Bellovin created the first-named Newsgroups USENET (User Network). in 1981, France Telecommenciptakan a new breakthrough by launching the world's first television phone (people can call each other while interacting denagan Video link).along with increased computer form the network, it takes a formal protocol that can be recognized and accepted by all the networks. to that, in 1982 formed a committee Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or better known as the Internet Protocol (IP)we know it today. meanwhile, mainland Europe emerged a rival network known as Europe Network (Eunet) which covers an area of the Netherlands, England, Denmark, and Sweden. This Eunet network providing e-mail and USENET newsgroups.
To homogenize the existing computer network address, it was introduced in 1984 Domain Name System or Domain Name System (DNS). Computer networks continues to grow, and Jarrko Oikarinen creating a national Finnish Internet Relay Chat (IRC), which allows two or more people can interact or communicate directly with the delivery of messages (chat). Mid year 1990 is the year of the most historic, with Tim Berners Lee to design a program editor and a browser to explore the computer with other computers to form a network. The program is called Waring Wera Wanua or the World Wide Web.
Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Definition of Computer Networks. Computer networks have a definition of a collection of computers and other devices as a supporter of computers that are connected to each other in a single unit. Media computer network without wires and can be via cable, this allows network users to exchange information, such as data or documents to print through the same printer in the same network, the user can communicate with each other (email , chat), to access the information (web browsing).Below are some of the benefits of networking.• Resource sharing, can use the resources together. For example, a user who is 100 Km away from the data, no difficulty in using such data, and it was as though the data is located nearby. This often means that the computer network address range.• High reliability, with a network of computers we will get the high reliability by having alternative sources of supply. For example, all the files can be saved or copied to two, three, or more computers connected to the network. So if one machine breaks the copy on another machine can be used.• Saves money. Small-sized computer has price / performance ratio better than a large computer. Large computers such as mainframes have speed kiro - kiro ten times the speed of a small computer / personal. But the price of mainframe thousand times more expensive than private computers. The lack seimbanggan ratio of price / performance is making the system designer to build a system that consists of a computer - Personal computer.
• As data securityThrough a computer network system, stored data will be more secure because it is stored in a central computer that can only be accessed by users who have access rights.
There are four common types of networks are used include:
- Network workgroup,
- Network LAN (Local Area Network)
- MAN (Metropolitan Area Network
- Network WAN (Wide Area Network)
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Types of Networks On Computer
Types of Networks On Computer-LAN (Local Area Network).Local Area Network (LAN) is the most common type of network data. As
the name suggests, LAN serves typical local area installation in
industrial plants, office buildings, college or university, or similar. In such location is feasible to build a network of high quality, the communication links interconnecting the nodes speed. Typical
data transmission speed is 1/100 megabit per detik.LAN allows users to
share resources on computers within an organization, and can be used to
provide access (shared) to the organization remotely through a router
connected to a Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN).
-Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)Metropolitan area network or shortened by MAN. A network in a city with high speed data transfer, linking various locations such as campuses, offices, government and so on. MAN network is a combination of multiple LANs. The range of this MAN among 10 to 50 km, MAN is the right network to establish a network between offices in the city between factories / establishments and headquarters are within its range.MAN is used to connect a local network to another local network, so that the user or computer in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations.A network in a city with high speed data transfer, linking various locations such as campuses, offices, government and so on. MAN network is a combination of multiple LANs. The range of this MAN among 10 to 50 km, MAN is the right network to establish a network between offices in the city between factories / establishments and headquarters are within its range.
-WAN (Wide Area Network).Understanding WAN is a wide area computer network combines multiple LANs that are geographically dispersed. This is done by connecting the different LANs using services dedicated phone line rental, dial-up phone lines (both synchronous and asynchronous), satellite links, and data packet carrier services. WAN network run with a modem can access or otherwise to a remote server using special routing protocols and filters to minimize the cost of sending data from vast distances. Term Wide Area Network (WAN) usually refers to a network that covers a large geographic area, and using communication circuits to connect the intermediate nodes. The main factors affecting the performance of the WAN design is a requirement that they lease circuits from corporate communications or other communications telephone operator. Transmission rate of typically 2 Mbps, 34 Mbps, 45 Mbps, 155 Mbps, 625 Mbps (or sometimes much more). Mencajup network is such a wide geographical province, island, country, continent or the whole world (50 Km). Example national telecommunications network, mobile telecommunications, and national television.
-InternetIs a computer network that connects networks around the world via satellite.
Advantages of Internet Network Types include communication and sharing of resources from one network to another easier, dissemination of knowledge becomes more rapid, delivering information faster and easier, and into the fields to earn
Loss of Internet Network Types include cyber crime or cyber criminals become widespread, pornography is becoming increasingly widespread, the transaction illegal goods such as drugs became rampant, and can also cause a scandal due to incorrect information delivery.
-Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)Metropolitan area network or shortened by MAN. A network in a city with high speed data transfer, linking various locations such as campuses, offices, government and so on. MAN network is a combination of multiple LANs. The range of this MAN among 10 to 50 km, MAN is the right network to establish a network between offices in the city between factories / establishments and headquarters are within its range.MAN is used to connect a local network to another local network, so that the user or computer in one location can communicate with users and computers in other locations.A network in a city with high speed data transfer, linking various locations such as campuses, offices, government and so on. MAN network is a combination of multiple LANs. The range of this MAN among 10 to 50 km, MAN is the right network to establish a network between offices in the city between factories / establishments and headquarters are within its range.
-WAN (Wide Area Network).Understanding WAN is a wide area computer network combines multiple LANs that are geographically dispersed. This is done by connecting the different LANs using services dedicated phone line rental, dial-up phone lines (both synchronous and asynchronous), satellite links, and data packet carrier services. WAN network run with a modem can access or otherwise to a remote server using special routing protocols and filters to minimize the cost of sending data from vast distances. Term Wide Area Network (WAN) usually refers to a network that covers a large geographic area, and using communication circuits to connect the intermediate nodes. The main factors affecting the performance of the WAN design is a requirement that they lease circuits from corporate communications or other communications telephone operator. Transmission rate of typically 2 Mbps, 34 Mbps, 45 Mbps, 155 Mbps, 625 Mbps (or sometimes much more). Mencajup network is such a wide geographical province, island, country, continent or the whole world (50 Km). Example national telecommunications network, mobile telecommunications, and national television.
-InternetIs a computer network that connects networks around the world via satellite.
Advantages of Internet Network Types include communication and sharing of resources from one network to another easier, dissemination of knowledge becomes more rapid, delivering information faster and easier, and into the fields to earn
Loss of Internet Network Types include cyber crime or cyber criminals become widespread, pornography is becoming increasingly widespread, the transaction illegal goods such as drugs became rampant, and can also cause a scandal due to incorrect information delivery.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Kinds of network topology

1. Star Topology
The star topology or a star topology is often called. In this topology we have to use other tools to help connect computer networks. Examples of tools in use here is the hub, switch, etc.. In the visible image of the hub serves as a hub of computers interconnected.
Pros:• Most flexible• Installation / changing station is very easy and does not interfere with other parts of the network• Centralized Control• Ease of detection and fault isolation / damage• ease of network managementDisadvantages:• Boros cable• Need special handling• Centralized control (HUB) so critical element
2. Bus Topology
topology is widely used in the cable uses sepaksi mushroomed. By using T-Connector (with a 50 ohm terminator at the end of the network), then the computer or other network devices can be easily connected to each other.
Excess• Save cables• Layout simple cable• Easy to developShortage• detection and fault isolation is very small• Traffic density• If one client is broken, then the network can not function.• Required repeater for long distance
3. Topology RING
Token-ring method (often called the ring anyway) is how the computer so that the ring-shaped (circular). Each node has the same degree. The network will be referred to as a loop, the data is sent kesetiap node and any information received nodes examined whether the data address for him or not.
Profit• Save CablesLoss• Be sensitive to errors• Development of a network of more rigid4. Topology tree
Topology also called tree or hierarchical topology and can also be called a multilevel topology is a topology that can be used on the network in a multi-storey office space.
In the picture we can see the relationship between one computer to another computer with a branching hierarchy jelas.sentral center or who are at the very top is an active central central while underneath is a passive central
• Can the formation of a group that is required at all times. For example, companies can form a group consisting of terminal bookkeeping, as well as the other groups formed for the sales terminal.Disadvantages:• If the node is higher then not working, then other groups that are below it eventually becomes ineffective. The workings of a tree network is relatively slow.
5. Mesh TopologyTopology netting or mesh topology is a form of relationship between devices where each device is connected directly to other devices on the network. As a result, the mesh topology each device can communicate directly with the target device (dedicated links).
Thus the maximum number of connections between devices on a network bertopologi mesh can be calculated that as many as n (n-1) / 2. In addition, because each device can be connected to other devices on the network, each device must have as many as n-1 Port Input / Output (I / O ports).Pros:
• Relationship dedicated links to ensure the data is sent directly to the destination computer without having to go through other computers so that they can more quickly because of the link is used exclusively for communicating with the destination computer only (not used beramai-ramai/sharing).• Have a Robust properties, ie the event of disruption in the connection of computer A with computer B because of damage to the cable connections (links) between A and B, then the interference will not affect A computer connection with other computers.• Privacy and security in mesh topology more secure, because the communication that occurs between the two computers will not be accessible by other computers.• Facilitate the identification of problems in the event of damage to connections between computers.Disadvantages:
• Requires a lot of cable and port I / O. more and more computers in the mesh topology is needed more and more cable links and port I / O (see calculation formula needs wiring and Port).• It is at once also indicate that the topology of this type * Because each computer must be connected directly to another computer then the installation and configuration becomes more difficult.• The number of wires used also suggests a possible need for space in the room where the computers are located
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